Click to View My Up-to-date Curriculum Vitae [PDF]
- B.S. in Mathematics, Northeastern University (Shenyang), 2015
- Ph.D in Industry Engineering Operations Research, Kansas State University, 2020
Work experience
- Aug 2021 - Present: Postdoctoral Researcher
- Department of Integrative Biology
- University of Texas, Austin, TX
- Supervisor: Dr.Lauren Meyers
- Aug 2020 - Aug 2021: Postdoctoral Researcher
- Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health at School of Medicine
- University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA
- Supervisor: Dr.Annick Bórquez
- Aug 2015 - Jun 2020: IT administrator, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Instructor
- IMSE Department at Carl R. Ice College of Engineering
- Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
- Supervisor: Dr.Bradley Kramer and Dr. Chih-hang (John) Wu
- June 2019 - August 2019: Data Analyst Intern
- Customer Experience group at FedEx Service
- FedEx Headquarter, Memphis, TN
- Supervisor: Deidre Thompson
- Mathematical Modeling
- Optimization
- Machine Learning
- Numerical Simulation
- Infectious Disease
- Drug Epidemic
- Computer Skills
- Programming: Python, Matlab, C\C++\C#, PHP
- Optimization and Machine Learning: CPLEX ILOG, LINDO, GNU Octave, Weka
- Simulation: SIMIO, Netlogo, Areana
- Statistics: Minitab, R, SAS, SPSS
Zhao, Songnian, Yan Kuang, Chih-Hang Wu, David Ben-Arieh, Marcelo Ramalho-Ortigao, and Kaiming Bi. "Zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis transmission: modeling, backward bifurcation, and optimal control." Journal of mathematical biology 73, no. 6-7 (2016): 1525-1560.
Chen, Yuyang, Kaiming Bi, Songnian Zhao, David Ben-Arieh, and Chih-Hang John Wu. "Modeling individual fear factor with optimal control in a disease-dynamic system." Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 104 (2017): 531-545.
Zhao, Songnian, Yan Kuang, Chih-Hang Wu, Kaiming Bi, and David Ben-Arieh. "Risk perception and human behaviors in epidemics." IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 8, no. 4 (2018): 315-328.
Bi, Kaiming, Yuyang Chen, Songnian Zhao, Yan Kuang, and Chih-Hang John Wu. "Current visceral leishmaniasis research: a research review to inspire future study." BioMed research international 2018 (2018).
Bi, Kaiming, Yuyang Chen, Songnian Zhao, David Ben-Arieh, and Chih-Hang John Wu. "Modeling learning and forgetting processes with the corresponding impacts on human behaviors in infectious disease epidemics." Computers & Industrial Engineering 129 (2019): 563-577.
Chen, Yuyang, Kaiming Bi, Chih-Hang John Wu, and David Ben-Arieh. "A new evidence-based optimal control in healthcare delivery: A better clinical treatment management for septic patients." Computers & Industrial Engineering 137 (2019): 106010.
Bi, Kaiming, Yuyang Chen, Chih-Hang John Wu, and David Ben-Arieh. "A Memetic Algorithm for Solving Optimal Control Problems of Zika Virus Epidemic with Equilibriums and Backward Bifurcation Analysis." Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (2020): 105176.
Bi, Kaiming, Yuyang Chen, Songnian Zhao, David Ben-Arieh, and Chih-Hang John Wu. "A new zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis dynamic transmission model with age-structure." Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 133 (2020): 109622.
Bi, Kaiming, Dong Lin, Yiliang Liao, Chih-Hang Wu, and Pedram Parandoush. "Additive manufacturing embraces big data." Progress in Additive Manufacturing (2021): 1-17.
Chen, Yuyang, Kaiming Bi, Chih-Hang J. Wu, David Ben-Arieh, and Ashesh Sinha. "A New Bayesian Optimization Algorithm for Complex High-Dimensional Disease Epidemic Systems." arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.00062 (2021).
Chen, Yuyang, Kaiming Bi, Chih-Hang J. Wu, David Ben-Arieh, and Ashesh Sinha. "A New Bayesian Optimization Algorithm for Complex High-Dimensional Disease Epidemic Systems." arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.02289 (2021).
Chen, Yuyang, Kaiming Bi, Chih-Hang J. Wu, David Ben-Arieh, and Ashesh Sinha. "An Improved Mathematical Model of Sepsis: Modeling, Bifurcation Analysis, and Optimal Control Study for Complex Nonlinear Infectious Disease System." arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.02702 (2022).
Bi, Kaiming, Yuyang Chen, Chih-Hang John Wu, and David Ben-Arieh. "Learning-based impulse control with event-triggered conditions for an epidemic dynamic system." Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 108 (2022): 106204.
Bi, Kaiming, Anass Bouchnita, Oluwaseun F. Egbelowo, Spencer Fox, Michael Lachmann, and Lauren Ancel Meyers. "Scenario projections for the spread of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA. 4 and BA. 5 subvariants in the US and Texas." (2022).
Bi, Kaiming, Jose Luis Herrera-Diestra, Yuan Bai, Zhanwei Du, Lin Wang, Graham Gibson, Maureen Johnson-Leon, Spencer J. Fox, and Lauren Ancel Meyers. "The risk of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant emergence in low and middle-income countries (LMICs)." Epidemics 42 (2023): 100660.
Bandekar, Shraddha Ramdas, Mini Ghosh, and Kaiming Bi. "Impact of high-risk and low-risk population on COVID-19 dynamics considering antimicrobial resistance and control strategies." The European Physical Journal Plus 138, no. 8 (2023): 697.
Meyers, Lauren, Kaiming Bi, Shraddha Bandekar, Anass Bouchnita, and Spencer Fox. "Scenario Projections for SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, and RSV Burden in the US (2023-2024)." (2023).
Howerton, Emily, Lucie Contamin, Luke C. Mullany, Michelle Qin, Nicholas G. Reich, Samantha Bents, Rebecca K. Borchering et al. "Evaluation of the US COVID-19 Scenario Modeling Hub for informing pandemic response under uncertainty." Nature communications 14, no. 1 (2023): 7260.
Bouchnita, Anass, Kaiming Bi, Spencer J. Fox, and Lauren Ancel Meyers. "Projecting Omicron scenarios in the US while tracking population-level immunity." Epidemics 46 (2024): 100746.
Jung, Sung-mok, Sara L. Loo, Emily Howerton, Lucie Contamin, Claire P. Smith, Erica C. Carcelén, Katie Yan et al. "Potential impact of annual vaccination with reformulated COVID-19 vaccines: Lessons from the US COVID-19 scenario modeling hub." PLoS medicine 21, no. 4 (2024): e1004387.
Chen, Ruohan, Zengyang Shao, Kaiming Bi, Benjamin J. Cowling, and Zhanwei Du. "Evaluating the Health Economic Impacts of Baloxavir Marboxil and Oseltamivir for the Treatment of Influenza in Adult Outpatients in Hong Kong: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis." Available at SSRN 5085546.
Bouchnita Anass, Bandekar Shraddha, Bi Kaiming et al. "The interplay between evolutionary and immunological dynamics regulates virus variant emergence and competition." Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, no. 6 (2025)
Kaiming B, Bandekar SR, Bouchnita A, Fox SJ, Ancel Meyers L. Annual hospitalizations for COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus, United States, 2023–2024. Emerg Infect Dis. 2025 Mar [date cited].
Awards and Honors
- Pencis Best Researcher Award: International Research Awards on Infectious Diseases, 2021
- Outstanding Dissertation Award of Carl R. Ice College of Engineering, 2020
- IISE Annual Conference Best Paper in Modeling & Simulation Track, 2018
- Golden Key Outstanding Graduate Research Assistant nominee, 2018
- Robert I-Jen and Sophia Shui-Kan Jung Graduate Scholarship, 2015
- K-State 2025 College of Engineering Scholarship, 2015
- Second Prize of China Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 2013
- First Prize of Liaoning Province Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 2013